9 Foods That Give You A Bad Sleep

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ice-creamIce cream
Ice cream contains a lot of fat. And if you go to bed right after eating, your body has no enough time to burn fat. All sugars send wrong information about energy to your body and automatically change into fat. Additional, the study found people who ate ice cream before bed were more likely to have nightmares.

Celery is a natural diuretic increasing the discharge of urine. If you consume too much celery before bed, your body will wake you up to discharge urine. Although celery can bring good nutrition to your health, avoid it before go to bed.

Spaghetti contains complex carbohydrates and is more likely to turn into fat if you go to sleep after consumption. It also quickly raises your blood sugar levels and then delays your sleep, or makes you wake up easily throughout night. Besides cheese, cream or ketchup on spaghetti may put your digest system to further strain.

High acid tomato sauce in pizza can irritate your tummy and something like cheese in it will cause heartburn.

A latest research indicated seven out of ten ate junk food like sweets, which cause more nightmares. Specialists speculated high sugar levels produce more brainwaves and nightmares.

There are lots of refined sugar and complex carbohydrates in oatmeal. It makes blood sugar soar so it’s unfit to eat before bed.

Eating garlic in the evening causes bad breath the whole night and heartburn. If you don’t have a good stomach, keep away from spicy food like garlic.

Caffeine in dark chocolate can make you excited. Nearly all kinds of chocolate contain more or less caffeine. In addition, theobromine makes your heart go faster.

Most people think alcohol can promote sleep but it’s a misunderstanding. Alcohol does help people fall asleep but it doesn’t offer lasting and quality sleep. Actually, it disturbs recovery function of sleep. People who usually use alcohol promote sleep risk starting a vicious circle that is they have to drink alcohol to fall asleep.

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