Do You Really Know Latex Mattress?

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do you know latexWhen it comes to latex mattresses, many people could tell something about it. Latex mattresses are expensive, heavy, eco-friendly, less offgassing, helpful for back pain, etc. But when we mention how you can choose a latex bed, less people can tell. Here I’m going to share how to choose a latex and which type we should get.

Which category you should go for

The whole latex bed family falls into three categories, all latex, latex over foam and foam over latex. So it’s obvious the all latex is the best choice. But that is I’m saying to people who plan to spend a few thousand dollars. For people like me with a limited budget, it’s not really on our list. Both latter options contain foam and the difference is position of the foam. The next better thing is latex over foam. Why? If you buy foam over latex, then you sleep on foam and it doesn’t feel too much difference from all-foam mattress. If feels like memory foam, why don’t you bothering to buy it. The latex over foam gives you latex support and firmness you are looking for.

Natural or synthetic

When you are considering if you should buy natural or synthetic latex, I suggest leaving it to your wallet to decide. Natural latex costs much more than synthetic and obviously performs better in all aspects like durability. But one thing you should be aware that 100% natural latex some manufacturers claim isn’t as advertised. They intend to mislead us customers their beds may use 100% natural latex but it really has a small share, the most part are synthetic latex. If you see 100% natural latex in the product description, go to customer service to figure out if it’s all natural latex.

Talalay or Dunlop

Dunlop is a mature processing method with a long history and Talalay is a newer processing method. Most latex are made by these two processing method. Two different methods make different latex. The Dunlop latex is on the firm and supportive side, while Talalay feels softer. But Talalay has a drawback inconsistent with eco-friendly nature of latex. Talalay uses glue to attach all parts in the manufacture process. Dunlop is a method producing latex in one piece so Dunlop latex doesn’t contain glue. Since the Talalay is a new method, the mattress with Talalay latex has a higher price compared to Dunlop. I believe you know which type is better.

Custom firmness

Some latex manufacturers out there are providing custom firmness. You can contact manufacturer customer service to get advice about which firmness level you need. Once the firmness is decided, the mattress will be manufactured based on your own preference. Then you get a mattress best suited for your body.

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