Follow These Tips And Fall Asleep Quickly

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fallasleepDon’t be angry or annoyed. Irritation makes your heart go faster, breath hard, your mind with a myriad of thoughts and ideas and not fall asleep easily.

Some family members like husband and wife, mom and son, are sleeping face to face. But they don’t know the sleeping way isn’t good for health. One inhales too much air the other exhales, which causes lack of oxygen to the brain or insufficient oxygen supply, insomnia, dreaminess, fatigue, dizziness, and droop. Different people have different sleeping habits. Some may pull more of the bedclothes, kick, or snore noisily. The bedclothes slide off the bed and it makes you get a cold easily.

Some people like exposing shoulders out of bedclothes, no knowing it’s too cold for your shoulders in winter and the chill enters into your body. That influences circulation of the blood to lead to rheumatism and arthritis. It also causes cold, sniffing and headaches.

Not to take off ornaments before go to Bed. Some ladies especially the young, don’t take off ornaments before bedtime. The make-up on your skin blocks pores and obstructs sweat glands excretion. Besides, it triggers acnes, results in skin lesions, and speeds up aging.

Bras are protection for your breasts. But going to sleep with bras will cause diseases, breast tumors for example. Experts found that women wearing bras over 17 hours a day was 20 times more likely to have tumors than who are wearing bras less or not. That is because breasts are compressed too long resulting in obstruction of lymphatic return and retention of harmful substance.

Some women don’t take off jewellery when they go to bed. It’s very dangerous. First, some jewellery products are metalwork because long time skin contact with metal jewellery will cause chronic poisoning such as aluminum poisoning. Some luminous ornaments produce radium radiation. The amount is small but if accumulated for long time it will lead to unpleasant results. Get asleep with jewellery can prevent the progress of circulation and metabolism, which is also the reason why local skin wearing jewellery is liable to age.

It seems natural to fall asleep watching TV. So some people watch TV on the bed to help them fall asleep. But if we do like that, we will wake up after a while. You are going to form a vicious circle. Many people suffering from insomnia are in the case. If you suffer from insomnia and have a TV in your bedroom, it’s recommended to move TV out. Don’t watch TV on the bed and the bed is only associated with sleep.

Some people like putting their hands under head while sleeping. But they don’t know such sleeping pattern influences blood circulation, makes arms numb and painful, and increases pressure in chest. After long time, it results in return to flowing esophagitis. You will suffer from digestive trouble, which prevent your body from effective intake of nutrition.

Winter is coming. Many people like covering head with bedclothes while sleeping. They don’t know that bedclothes covering head is liable to cause difficulty in breathing. As the density of carbon dioxide rising under bedclothes, density of oxygen is going down. You will breath in too much wet air, which is very harmful to your brain. If you put your head under it for long time, you are more likely to have nightmare caused by lack of oxygen. When you are awake, you aren’t going to feel refreshed but dizzy and exhausted.

Breathe through your mouth. Avoid breathing through your mouth. It brings dust or something into your mouth and lung but also makes your trachea and lung exposed to cold air.

When we are sleeping, the adaptability is weakening to environment. If you sleep in the draught, the possibility of getting cold rises. Where you sleep should avoid the draught and keep some distance with windows and doors.

Many people are very tired after a hard day’s work. They sit in the couch after dinner and start to take a nap. Sleeping while sitting will slower heart rate, expand blood vessels, aggravate cerebral anoxia, dizziness and tinnitus.

Some people usually sleep with electric blankets on the whole night. But electric blankets heat them to wake up and be very thirsty. The ideal temperature when people get in bed is 33-35 centigrade, relative humidity 55%-60%. In small environment, blood vessels are constricted, blood flow is slowing down and your whole body gets full rest. If the electric blanket heats you too long, the temperature under is keeping rising, blood vessels are expanding and blood circulation is speeding up. It brings about deep rapid breath and weakens ability of anti bacteria. That makes you get cold more easily. The correct way of using electric blanket is to wire it up 10 minutes before you go to bed. Turn it off when the bed is warm to ensure it’s not cold when you are going to sleep.

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