Pillows Influence Your Sleep Quality

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pillowAccording to statistics, about 105 million out of 600 million people suffer from the insomnia due to their uncomfortable pillows. So, it’s very important to pick a comfortable pillow because it’s very closely related to our health.

High pillows will cause damage to the curvature of cervical vertebrae. It makes ligament and muscle groups stressed or rigid. When you feel your neck becomes rigid in the morning, if you didn’t do a lot of exercise, then you should think about if your pillow is too high to produce your neck aches.

Low pillows will raise the lower jaws to compress throat. The uvula prolapses and obstructs respiratory tract. Especially when you breathe in, the soft palate in the back of the mouth vibrates and produces rattling sound as air in. If people around you often complain your rattling sound, you can add a thick towel to raise your head. Snoring doesn’t only lower your sleep quality but also keep your family awake at night.

If you pillows are too soft, you head will cave in the pillow. In this case, the blood flow is too centralized to make the vessel’s walls and facial muscle bear too much pressure. That causes eyes swelling in the morning and headache. If your eyes often swell after get up, you should get a solid pillow.

If your pillows are too firm, carotid artery gets compressed. That leads to impaired blood circulation, lack of oxygen and microcirculation dysfunction. Deficiency of oxygen will increase salivation and make sleeper breathe through the mouth. If your pillow gets wet often, consider getting a softer one.

How to choose a right pillow

Sleep position decides height of pillow

One study suggested that the suitable pillow height for adults is 7-9 cm, and are for reference only. Experts pointed out that the position is the decisive factor deciding height and firmness of the pillow. If you sleep on your back, the height should be as tall as your fist; if sleep on your sides, the pillow should be as thick as your shoulder; if you sleep on your stomach and put the pillow under your chests, pick the thin and soft pillow because a big one will compress your heart and cause insufficient blood supply.pillow image

The type of skin decides the material

If you are suffering from skin irritation, avoid down and feather pillow. The small tiny fibers of the pillow causes allergy. According to statistics, about 15% of people in the world are hypersensitive to down material. If you are dry skin, avoid pillows filled with hollow fibre and man-made fibers. That is because it’s badly breathable and inelastic. It produces static electricity, especially in autumn, fibers make skin drier.

If you can’t sleep nights, the better choice is memory foam pillows. Such sort of pillows has a shape matching the curve of body. Therefore, no matter you sleep on your side, back or stomach, your neck and respiratory passage can still maintain the normal physiologic curve. At the same time, the pillow will map your head to offer needed support and firmness.

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