Sleeping Cool Tips For Persons Sleeping Hot

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sleeping hotDo you sleep hot or wake up sweating at night? If you do, it’s necessary to consider mattress breath-ability when you’re going to replace the old mattress. Excessive warmth and sweat result in tossing and turning rather than relaxing your body at night and mind by day. Mattress breath-ability can be affected by many factors, such as firmness, mattress composition, top layer material, thickness and body weight, but primarily determined by the layer and material close to your skin. So let’s dig more to find out what mattress well suited for hot sleeper.

If you read some memory foam mattress reviews, you must have found that there’re always some owners complaining about sleeping hot on every single model. Memory foam is suffering from heat retention issue after it’s made. Compared to other types, it retains most heat and has most sleeping hot reports. So we always suggest hot-natured persons to avoid memory foam mattress or layer.

Memory foams density affects the breath-ability. High density foam breathes not as well as low density. It senses our body temperature and takes in warmth to soften and comfort to our body shape. High density helps offer better cradling comfort but limits air circulation and heat transmission. More and more brands are selling gel foam designed to regulate mattress surface temperature. This type of foam is infused into numerous gel beads and has a relatively cooler surface. Gel foam mattress does help remove heat retention issue from many hot sleepers mattresses but there’re still some owners complain it doesn’t make any difference. If you want to buy a memory foam mattress, choose low density or gel infused model. Latex is also a type of foam and performs better in heat reduction than memory foam but not much, especially all latex models. LUCID 10″ latex foam mattress is a typical hybrid latex mattress.

Airbeds, waterbeds and innerspring mattresses barely have any sleeping hot issue without any comfort layer. If you add thick and soft layer like memory foam and latex, all these types would have the same issue.

Firmness also affects the performance. Firm mattress tends to sleep cooler than softer models. Soft mattress allows you to sink in and forms a body shaped valley. The valley retains much heat and prevents air circulation. On the contrary, firm bed doesn’t sink and has better air exchange.

Mattress breathability is getting better in proportion to height. Higher the comfort layer is more heat it retains.

Some effective ways to sleep cool

BedJet: it’s like a hair dryer blowing air to your bed to increase air exchange on your mattress to regulate temperature. And it’s able to blow heated air to get you warm in cold days. Keep in mind that it doesn’t produce cooler air just blow air in the room to your bed. Owners are happy with the result and the device does make them feel cooler. However, it’s not very popular because it’s as expensive as a new mattress and entry-level model is $399.

The economical solution is to add a wool topper, some sold a little over $100. It absorbs moisture to keep your skin dry and the surface cool. Many memory foam mattress owners add it to remove heat retention issue and over 90% prove it works. However, to add extra layer could reduce cushion cradling experience.

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