Top 10 Simple Rules For You To Get A Good Sleep

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sleep ruleTime keeping
To maintain synchronization of biological clock, you must get up at the same time every day, regardless of how long you slept last night. If you don’t go to sleep on Friday or Saturday until early morning next day, you may be taken with Sunday insomnia. Get to bed early on Sunday with shining eyes and try to fall asleep but in vain. The harder you try, the more tired you are. When the travel or work breaks down the personal laws, you should keep regular sleep and eating habits and be back into old schedule.

Regular exercise
Regular exercise can help alleviate cumulative stress and relax the mind and body to promote sleep. People who participate in physical activities sleep better than those who don’t. But you don’t need to intend to pursue excessive fatigue. It’s recommended to spend at least three days a week and 20 – 30 minutes a day on walking, swimming or riding. Don’t do exercise too late. The ideal exercise time is late in the afternoon or early in the evening. Exercise at the time can remove the stress accumulated in the daytime and inject joy into your body.

Reduce stimulant intake
If you like drinking coffee, you should finish your last cup of coffee of the whole day at about eight hours before bed, about 18:00. The stimulating effect lasts for several hours and peaks 2 – 4 hours after intake. Consumption of coffee in the evening increases the difficulty to fall asleep and the times of waking up at night. But the caffeine isn’t the only food with effect on sleep. There is a sort of acid in the chocolate and cheese that cause palpitations at night. And pills of weight loss contain the stimulant that clears your head.

Comfortable bedclothes
Comfortable bedclothes can help you get a quick and sound sleep and prevent neck and back from getting hurt when sleep. You can start with a comfortable mattress. Down products feel more comfortable and lighter than traditional bedclothes.

No smoking
Researchers found that for severe smokers the sleep isn’t a small art and they are inclined to fall asleep late and be disturbed easily. They lack sleep quality and deep sleep. The remained nicotine usually lasts two or three hours. So, smokers always want to smoke at night. The change of smoking habit will make the sleep better dramatically. A research approved the smokers who smoked two packs of cigarettes quit smoking, the toss and turn they had at night was half what they used to.

Drinking only soft drink
Alcohol is the oldest and most widely used solution for sleep. A lot of people like drinking a little at the end of the day. But it could mean the whole night trouble. Excessive alcohol intake makes people awake and not easily fall asleep. Drinking during sleeping time will worsen sleep quality. Even if the effect of alcohol is gone, the whole body is still in light sleep phase and the sleep is cut up into pieces. And the sleeper will wake up in the morning frequently.

Quality not quantity
Six-hour quality sleep give sleepers more benefit than eight-hour low-quality sleep. To exert strict control over sleeping time can make people sleep more in deep sleep phase. But that doesn’t mean everyone should sleep eight hours. If you can be fully recharged within five hours, congratulate yourself. You aren’t insomnia sufferer but a natural short sleeper.

Forget all plans towards evening
If you are lying on the bed and thinking about what you did today and what you are going to do tomorrow, you should have dealt with all distraction. Make a list of things you need to do so that you don’t need to remind yourself by keeping alert.

Don’t eat too much or nothing before bed
A big dinner makes digest system work overtime. Although you feel very sleepy and tired, you probably toss and turn all night. If you are on a diet, don’t go to bed when you are hungry. A mumble stomach will prevent you from calming down and falling asleep quickly. Eat low calorie food like bananas and apples.

Build up sleep rituals
Before go to bed, banish all grief when you’re awake. Even children found rituals like praying or reading stories every evening induce sleep.

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